Friday 26 December 2014

Goodbye 2014, Hello 2015

Was it just me or did 2014 go by super fast? One second I was finding easter eggs in the backyard next I was struggling to get asleep on Christmas Eve. Its gone so fast so I though I would give you a quick recap but not give to much away about who's sitting behind the name iGirlonline, and I realised that I probably sound like a creep by just saying that.

Anyway, where do I start it all started with going onto my second year of intermediate or middle school for some of you. I was beyond nervous but luckily was still with the same friends as they year before. My teacher was such a sweetheart she put our class before herself I will never forget such a kind and caring teacher who did so much and yet expected nothing back.

After the excitement for the next year died down it was straight into getting into sport, clubs and in the arty side of thing which is where I feel more comfortable. That year I got to experience lots of things that I would never do like rock climbing and many more but I can't really think of any at the moment. I also got into photography which made me immediately want to start taking more photos for family events or just my social medias which I decided to give-away anyway my instagram is _graceonline_, which you now know my name Grace. So if you want to ask me any questions don't be afraid to ask me them on my photos or just dm me, and by the way I follow back.

So after all the quiet times came the crazy rushed things like our choir performances, tests, budget kit (don't ask), christmas, homework, dance practises and then came the big end of year show which turned out ok. Its funny how when you practise things they sound horrible or someone trips over someones foot but in the end with all the pressure it turns out ok.

The year then came to an end with everyone crying everyone saying they'll talk every second of the day when they only talk to you when their upset not just to have a good laugh. But you soon realise that if all they do is come to you when their upset that either means they can't keep a conversation about anything except themselves or you have amazing advise, lets hope its the second one but after all bring on 2015 lets see what you have in stored.

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