Tuesday 13 January 2015

Whats in my Pencil Case?

Hai Guys so I've had an eventful half week babysitting which was fun but you wouldn't want to hear my stories of babysitting, so I have decided to do a blog post on Sundays and Wednesdays I just have so much ideas and only one Sunday. Before we get into the blog I have discovered a new website that really worth your time its called Listia. Its if you have present that you don't love or already have another one or even if you have an old gift that hasn't moved from your shelf then you can go on Listia and list them and every time you list something it gives you credit to buy someone else item, and the best thing about it is its FREE !!! I know you never see something like that anymore but if you want to check it out just search Listia in google!!

So into the blog firstly I got a new pencil case (finally) its one from Typo its was $12
Its really cute it has navy, gold and pink dots over it and a navy and pink background with two zips.

Next we have the pencils and pens and you can see how much and what type they are in my back to school post but I also got some new pencils which is the third pencil from the left and there from typo and it was a pack of 6 of them with funny quotes on them, and that was $6 dollars.

The next thing in my pencil case is a sharpener from smiggle and a stapler which Im not sure where its from but I decorated with washi tape!

Sorry for the weird lighting but also there is my highlighters in here which I got from The Warehouse stationary, I love bright things I'm a visual learner so bright colours are a must have especially for highlighting things to remember.

Lastly I have my eraser bear from smiggle and the glue stick from warehouse stationary!

Hope your enjoying the school theme that Im doing if there is any ideas instagram me at @iGirlonline14_  hope your excited for school have a great week see you this coming sunday Bye!
-Grace xx

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